There are some people that you meet and instantly warm to – Gemma Boner is one of these people. The PR Manager at Whistles Menswear is the lady responsible for ensuring that the brand’s inaugural menswear collection receives fanfare in keeping with its impeccable design – so far so good, if you’re anything like me, you’ve been gorging sneak peaks of the collection since Spring.
And what a collection it’s set to be – sigh – I am literally counting down the days until it lands in September. With a fair few years of menswear under her belt, Gemma knows a thing or two about men’s fashion, and in today’s interview she talks through trends, what to expect from Whistles’ AW14 line and offers helpful tips about how to enter the competitive world of fashion PR.
Please introduce yourself. Gemma Boner, Whistles, Menswear Pr Manager
And where can we find you? @thisiswhistles or find me at @gem_bon on Twitter and @Gem_boner on Instagram
Whistles will be launching its debut menswear collection later this year, why the decision to branch into menswear and why now? Menswear has really stepped it up, you just need to look at the calibre of designers at LC:M to see that menswear is changing. I also think mens shopping habits have changed; they are braver, they are no longer afraid to talk about fashion with their friends, they want to look good and they want choice. With this in mind it seems the perfect time to bring Whistles menswear into the arena, there is a gap between high street and designer which Whistles aims to bridge.
GQ described the AW14 collection as somewhere between Sandro and ACNE, how would you describe it? It was a lovely write up from Nick Carvell at GQ. I would say it’s a contemporary collection that balances classic outerwear with high-end knits, versatile tailoring and accessories, they are familiar pieces with a functional modern edge.
If the Whistles woman is “Independent, Quietly Brilliant, Released, Discerning, Elegant, Intelligent, Sharp and Stylish”, what’s the Whistles man like? I would say he is an intelligent, discerning and modern man.
If you could pick one piece from the collection to wear next season, what would it be and why? Ahh soo many…I think the biker is an absolute classic, I know my boyfriend has his eyes on it, it’s a piece you will keep in your wardrobe forever. However if I was to choose a piece that represents AW14 in a nutshell, I would have to say the sheepskin parka is the piece that stands out to me.
Prior to Whistles you worked at Topman – why menswear over womenswear? Good question, everyone always asks this. I am a bit of a tomboy at heart, I have always tended to lean towards simplicity and comfort in clothing which you tend to find more in menswear. I can also talk all day about football which tends to lend itself more to the mens environment, I don’t think the girls at Topshop could have endured my Everton chats. I also LOVE the vibe in menswear, it is a real hub of passion and excitement, especially at the moment.
Fashion PR is notoriously competitive to get into, what’s the best advice you received early on in your career? I have been extremely lucky working for two amazing companies, I spent eight years at Topman which I adored, I worked up from the bottom through hard work and a sense of humour which I think you have to have in this industry. One thing I would say is that even if you are packing boxes and hanging rails – absorb the environment around you, talk to people, make connections and be polite to everyone you meet because you never know when your paths may cross again. I also think first impressions stick in this industry so make them count!
London Collections Men has propelled British menswear into the international fashion arena – what makes the capital so exciting? London is bubbling with talent it just needed a platform to showcase this to the world. There is always something new to do in London, you can never get bored here.
As a London resident, do you have any favourite places or hidden gems you can share with us? Hmm so many.. I love Franks in Peckham but I fear this is no longer a secret…I love little pop-ups like this summer’s rooftop bbq – Coppa, I love a good authentic Indian at Tayyabs, its BYO and no matter how much I order it always seems to be around £15, ohhh and Mayor of Scaredy Cat Town because who doesn’t love walking through a smeg fridge to get to a secret bar..??..
The seven dwarves “Whistled” while they worked – what does your work space look like and what does it say about you? Bright and airy, although my desk often tends to resemble a pre-bonfire pile up, I am a magazine hoarder and I’m currently nearly blocking out my colleague in front of me so that reminds me – I must do a clear out. My fav day in the office is Fridays when our resident dog Dougie is allowed in.