See that baby? Yeah you do. That baby is how I feel right about now about Jenny Lewis’ music video entitled “Just one of the guys.” Haven’t seen it? Then check it out here:
Now let’s discuss.
Ok, I’m pretty non fussed about the song. The lyrics are great, but I like to shake my “big fat butt” to more upbeat tunes – that is not to say I don’t enjoy the lyrics, which I encourage you to read because they make some great points.
What I’m really interested in is how the hell that gaggle of girls came together to create this video? I mean it’s a big bucks cast. I like to think that it was plotted between knocking back Moet at the Met Bell or something equally casual, I mean Beck (yea Beck!) produced the video – high five J Lew!
And the clothes? I know it’s supposed to be a parody but stop the lights, that Care Bear coloured, My Little Pony surprise of a three piece is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. The white tuxedos and head to toe adidas is pretty fly too.
Girl in Menswear salutes these girls also in menswear for their efforts, and highly encourages them to contact her if there is a sequel in the making.