Posts tagged "Campaign"
Let's get one thing clear, I do not hate American Apparel clothes. In fact, I actually really like their silky vintage-feel shirts and glitzy leggings (hey I was born in the 80's give me a break), but God do I have issues with the way they market themselves. The controversial clothing manufacturer has been called into question on numerous occasion for their risque use of female models, and the gender... ...READ MORE
Hey everyone, so I'm back from a long weekend in the Arctic - yes, you heard me right, the ARCTIC. I will have a post with you shortly about how I braved -23*C and what I got up to in the hometown of Santa, but until I've curated my photographs, I wanted to share this picture by Bryan Huynh for ODDA magazine - isn't it breathtaking? In my last post... ...READ MORE
Today, I'm off to Italy for the weekend to spend a few days exploring Milan, Verona and Venice. Despite having lived in Rome for several years, I've actually never ventured further north than Florence (that's bad I know), so I am super excited to call into some of Italy's most famous cities. I will be taking my gorgeous Britton tote by Kurt Geiger with me, which you will have seen me... ...READ MORE
Be still my heart, I am totally and utterly besotted with this duffle-coat-come-suit-jacket and matching shorts by Sea NY. A key look from the brand's Resort collection, its got a distinct boho feel to it, without shying away from the classic, New York vibe for which the brand is known. The duo behind Sea NY design all of their own prints, so there's always a unique feel to each of their pieces. The... ...READ MORE
Oh dear, I am already pre-empting a night out when re-enacting the SS14 Alexander Wang advertising campaign will seem like a good idea. Love everything about these shots and plan to be styling my shirts in a similar fashion - well, give or take a few buttons. ...READ MORE
Just when you thought Karlie Kloss was the cherry on the achingly cool FRAME cake, they go and get tomboy hero Erin Wasson as the face of their SS14 campaign. If ACNE and Cheap Monday have taught us one thing, it's that the Swedes know how to do denim. Founded in 2012 by Jens Grede and Erik Torstensson, the duo is best known for giving us the fashion marketing giant The Saturday Group, and... ...READ MORE
Luxury department store Barneys is creating waves in the SS14 advertising space. Whilst other retailers are featuring soft flower arrangements, bright summer colours and teams of models seductively draped around city-scapes, Barneys is launching an advertising campaign to raise awareness about transgender issues. Bold right? I'm ashamed to say that at first I shrugged it off as another provocative marketing initiative in the style of Harvey Nichols or United Colours of... ...READ MORE
"Art" is set to be a trademark trend for S/S 2014, with Prada, Chanel and Celine drawing inspiration from the artistic world. The look is not reserved to the catwalk alone though, Christian Louboutin has collaborated with photographer Peter Lippman on a gorgeous, flower-themed lookbook that pays homage to the most distinctive paintings of the Older Masters, including Van Gogh, Pissarro, Monet and Cezanne. Which is your favourite? [slideshow_deploy id='3261'] Keep... ...READ MORE