Posts tagged "Magazine"

Inspiration: White on white

Ah...the white on white, on more white trend. Its a look that I normally reserve until late into the summer months, when my skin is bronzed and my hair has dried out from days spent in the surf. Wearing head to toe white can be a bit daunting after months deprived of Vitamin D, but fashion dictates that mid-March is the time to adopt the look, so adopt we should!... ...READ MORE

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How to wear braces like a boy.

Dressing like a dapper gent requires a fantastic eye for accessories. Coordinating socks, brightly coloured pocket squares, specially knotted bow ties, and intricately detailed boutonnieres are all the order of the day when styling yourself sartorial. However, one accessory I have neglected to experiment with to date is the brace. I think it has something to do with having breasts. Do you sit your braces on them, like two cushioned... ...READ MORE

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Boys are beautiful too.

All too often I share beautiful imagery of girls rocking a menswear themed look and neglect to share my inspiration from mens editorial with you too. Well here is one of the most ethereal and tender photographs of model Sam Thompson, photographed by Jose Morraja for Neo2 magazine. Keep up to date on Bloglovin | Follow me on Instagram | Like me on Facebook  ...READ MORE

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