Posts tagged "Model"
Ah...the white on white, on more white trend. Its a look that I normally reserve until late into the summer months, when my skin is bronzed and my hair has dried out from days spent in the surf. Wearing head to toe white can be a bit daunting after months deprived of Vitamin D, but fashion dictates that mid-March is the time to adopt the look, so adopt we should!... ...READ MORE
Just when you thought Karlie Kloss was the cherry on the achingly cool FRAME cake, they go and get tomboy hero Erin Wasson as the face of their SS14 campaign. If ACNE and Cheap Monday have taught us one thing, it's that the Swedes know how to do denim. Founded in 2012 by Jens Grede and Erik Torstensson, the duo is best known for giving us the fashion marketing giant The Saturday Group, and... ...READ MORE
...I looked like this in my joggers, hey? Styled for Vogue Spain's February issue by Marina Gallo, Stina Rapp Wastenson looks effortless in this laid-back look. Monochrome sportswear, loose-fitting fabrics and exciting proportions make this an ultra stylish outfit. Who would have said that a comb over, joggers and Jesus sandals would channel such a rock 'n' roll vibe!?! Keep up to date on Bloglovin | Follow me on Instagram | Like me on Facebook ...READ MORE