Posts tagged "River Island"
[show_shopthepost_widget id="82478"] The slogan trend is a God's given gift to the non-confrontational amongst us. I mean, there is literally a tee or knit that states just about everything and anything. Want to ask a boy for his number but can't muster the courage to tell him so? Then shop Ashish for Topshop and observe your prospective beau scribble his digits across your bosom. My first taste for the trend... ...READ MORE
[slideshow_deploy id='3359'] Keep up to date on Bloglovin | Follow me on Instagram | Like me on Facebook ...READ MORE
I need to reinvigorate my wardrobe with some menswear, so I've spent a good amount of time today creating a wish list of items from the mens aisles that are available in XS, XXS and even XXXS (although I'm not quite that little). Today's top ten pieces are all under £150 (1600 SEK) and are new to the high street for the Spring. [slideshow_deploy id='3278'] Keep up to date on Bloglovin |... ...READ MORE