Posts tagged "Sneakers"
When my phone is on shuffle it can deliver some rather embarrassing results (namely in the realms of Miley Cyrus ballads circa 2013), but today whilst I was making breakfast it graced me with Mungo Jerry's "In the Summertime" - if I could whistle you a section (slightly out of tune) I would, just in case you're confusing it with Will Smith or Ella Fitzgerald's summer themed hits. It can... ...READ MORE
Next week it's my birthday (hooray!), but marginally more important, it's also the 27 year anniversary of the NIKE Air Max 1 sneaker. With the sportswear movement in full swing, the sneaker brand has never been more fashionable, but of course the Air Max is more than just a trainer-trend, it's also an incredibly innovative running shoe. The concept of "air" was imagined by aerospace engineerĀ Frank Rudy, who during a... ...READ MORE
I have been umming and aahing for sometime now about whether or not to hop on the trainer trend bandwagon. I love the look, but had been struggling to find a pair that didn't make my tiny feet look like little stumps at the end of my legs. Menswear has been rocking the style for a while now, but I've only just begun to spot womenswear models to rival them.... ...READ MORE