VogueFestival-Collage-final2-vogue-rasha-17feb14_b_1080x720_1“My advice to you all would be to believe, to appreciate what life gives you and try to be optimistic and just to be happy” – Garavani Valentino 

“STYLE is self-expression, but you have to have a self to express” – Lucinda Chambers 

“If you listen to the noise of pressure it can worry you – just work really hard and remember you’re only ever as good as what you’re doing in the moment” – Sarah Burton

“Don’t be grand about your first job – go where they’ll take you and work jolly jolly hard” – Lisa Armstrong

“Mistakes often seem much worse in the moment than they are when you put them in context. I once sent out a press release from Aurelia Public Relations, but called it Aurelia Pubic Relations. But they didn’t fire me. Every mistake sent your way is something to learn from” – Daniel Marks

“If someone is interested they can learn almost anything quite quickly” –Alexandra Shulman

“Everything is going to be digital soon” – Mira Duma

“Fashion needs a good critical platform and a base from which people can communicate about it…Eelsewhere people are afraid of upsetting advertisers so they can’t say what they think, so fashion becomes a moribund artform. Digital allows fashion’s freedom of speech.”– Nick Knight


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