Posts tagged "Sportswear"
I know it's Baltic outside, but I got a slight tan in Morocco and I'll be damned if I don't get to show it off a little! So here I am, in today's look - a mixture of Fall favourites, unisex pieces and menswear inspired garbs - Oh, and Homer Simpson, but we'll get to that. There's a trend that'e been brewing in fashion for a while now - Moschino... ...READ MORE
Fashion is all very well and good, but if you can't actually do stuff in it, then it's pretty redundant if you ask me. Gawd, that's not a very "fashion blogger-esque" thing to say is it? But it's true. I love to flounce around with the best of them, but if honest on the weekend nothing floats my proverbial boat more than clambering into some comfortable clothing and setting off... ...READ MORE
You know those days that you can't necessarily be bothered? When you want to wear something comfortable, but still look effortlessly cool? Those bleary-eyed Sundays, (and yes, they are usually Sundays) are the days when a love of menswear really comes into its own. These are the Sundays when I most appreciate a slightly looser waistband and unrestrictive pant shape, a flat sole, and a cap to shade my puffy... ...READ MORE
[caption id="attachment_4353" align="aligncenter" width="317"] Fifi is Head of Design at GANT Rugger[/caption] A few days ago GANT Rugger announced the launch of their debut womenswear line. Yes us girls can abandon scouring the aisles for XS menswear sweaters, and shop the Americana aesthetic in our own size from July - hooray! The lady ensuring that the womenswear line oozes as much cool as its menswear counterpart is Head Designer Filippa Hallstensson, aka... ...READ MORE
If you fancy yourself a bit of a surfer chick (or religiously gorge on fashion media like yours truly), you will have heard that on April 1st Quicksilver and Kelly Slater announced that they will be ending their twenty year partnership. The professional surfer will now be working with The Kering Group, the financial giants who own the likes of luxury brands Gucci and Balenciaga, and sports brands such as... ...READ MORE
I have been umming and aahing for sometime now about whether or not to hop on the trainer trend bandwagon. I love the look, but had been struggling to find a pair that didn't make my tiny feet look like little stumps at the end of my legs. Menswear has been rocking the style for a while now, but I've only just begun to spot womenswear models to rival them.... ...READ MORE