Posts tagged "Topshop"
I have a confession to make; My last post featured very little menswear. Hell, I wore two skirts and a tiara - it couldn't have been further from dickie bows and whistles and flutes. Rightly so, someone called me up on my lack of menswear via instagram, which made me step back and reflect on the essence of Girl in Menswear. Yes, it's "not just for girls, and not just about menswear", but... ...READ MORE
It would appear that cutting your calves into halves, is not reserved exclusively for skirts, but shorts too. Historically culottes come from the knee breaches worn by the gentlemen of the European upper class in the early-nineteenth century, and were later adopted by women so that they could straddle with the best of them when horse riding. Today, the wide-legged culotte reminds me of lazy days spent in the French... ...READ MORE
I'm coming back to London for Fashion Week - hooray! This means a few things for an otherwise Stockholm based somebody 1) I will be able to drink a glass of wine (hell a bottle of wine) for less than a tenner 2) I can trade in my "fil" yoghurt and granola for a proper eggs Benedict for brekki (yum yum) and 3) I get to go SHOPPING! Yes, Scandinavia... ...READ MORE
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I have been umming and aahing for sometime now about whether or not to hop on the trainer trend bandwagon. I love the look, but had been struggling to find a pair that didn't make my tiny feet look like little stumps at the end of my legs. Menswear has been rocking the style for a while now, but I've only just begun to spot womenswear models to rival them.... ...READ MORE