hunter-ss14-campaign-1As the countdown begins to London Fashion Week, I’ve written a few posts about the new commercial brands set to debut for AW14. Both Joseph and Whistles have joined the catwalk calendar, hoping to garner the same success as Topshop Unique has had on the runway, but perhaps the most surprising addition to the official schedule is Hunter Original, the Scottish wellington boot manufacturer.

hunter-ss14-campaign-2From Sao Paolo to Tokyo, when it starts to rain you can spot these brightly coloured boots on every fancy foot in town, but no matter how good Kate Moss might look cavorting at Glastonbury in a pair, rubber boots have never screamed fashion.

On saying that, Hunter Original seems to have brought on the right team of people to elevate their status. New to the brand is Dan Lumb from Reiss, Niall Sloan who formerly designed at Burberry, and Creative Director Alasdair Willis, who is known for a lot of things, but namely for being Stella McCartney’s hubbie. If showing at New York Fashion Week is what put J.Crew on the international fashion map, you can guarantee Hunter and Whistles are hoping for the same kind of success story. London Fashion Week is the perfect forum for grabbing the attention of international buyers and press, and with Mulberry noticeably absent from the AW14 London Fashion Week schedule, it will be interesting to see if waterproofs can drum up the same kind of excitement.

Hunter Original’s debut advertising campaign (images included) give us a first look at what to expect from the brands “Another Wet Summer” collection. With brands like Stutterheim, Rains and Norwegian Rain successfully putting water resistant outerwear on the map, who’s to say there’s not room for one more “dry” brand in a country where it rains at least 50% of the year.


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  • Kiara

    Really interested to see what Alisdair Willis comes up with and have also been hearing rumors of a new website launch

    February 2nd, 2014 12:48

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