Posts tagged "Footwear"
I have a total aversion to cowboy boots. I know that Chanel has gone and made Dallas fashionable, and I'm all up for fringes and Navajo, but I draw the line at the Texan boot, sorry I just do. The desert boot however is a whole other ball game. Western stitching injects a touch of the John Wayne without going overboard, and the ankle skimming length makes them perfect for... ...READ MORE
I popped in to visit the WHYRED showroom on Friday and when my friend Sofia came to greet me at the door, the first thing I clocked were her feet. Everything about her shoes were right. A combination of my favourite leather brogue with this season's sneaker shape, elevated on a barely there flatform, and in a spring relevant white - oh and let's not forget the subtle tan leather... ...READ MORE
Next week it's my birthday (hooray!), but marginally more important, it's also the 27 year anniversary of the NIKE Air Max 1 sneaker. With the sportswear movement in full swing, the sneaker brand has never been more fashionable, but of course the Air Max is more than just a trainer-trend, it's also an incredibly innovative running shoe. The concept of "air" was imagined by aerospace engineer Frank Rudy, who during a... ...READ MORE
I have been a bit slack on introducing you to Scandinavian labels of late (my bad), but today's post should more than make up for my absence - meet Minimarket. Minimarket was founded back in 2006 by three Swedish sisters, Sofie, Jennifer, and Pernilla Elvestedt, and since launching has won the Elle Sweden award for "Best New Designer" and more latterly "Best Designer". Floral bomber jackets, slouchy dresses and sleek trenches... ...READ MORE
I'm coming back to London for Fashion Week - hooray! This means a few things for an otherwise Stockholm based somebody 1) I will be able to drink a glass of wine (hell a bottle of wine) for less than a tenner 2) I can trade in my "fil" yoghurt and granola for a proper eggs Benedict for brekki (yum yum) and 3) I get to go SHOPPING! Yes, Scandinavia... ...READ MORE