VictoriaStillwell-GirlsinMensWear2 VictoriaStillwell-GirlsinMensWear3

VictoriaStillwell-GirlsinMensWear1When my phone is on shuffle it can deliver some rather embarrassing results (namely in the realms of Miley Cyrus ballads circa 2013), but today whilst I was making breakfast it graced me with Mungo Jerry’s “In the Summertime” – if I could whistle you a section (slightly out of tune) I would, just in case you’re confusing it with Will Smith or Ella Fitzgerald’s summer themed hits.

It can be pouring with rain outside, but Mr Jerry is always able to coax me into wearing an inappropriately summer themed outfit. So of course today, despite the fact that it is only seven degrees outside (cue teeny tiny violins for this Nordic dweller), I have got my legs on show. As you well know, I am always a champion of suiting, so I am very excited by all the shorts and blazer combos that are hitting stores for the Spring season. Today’s suit is from Tiger of Sweden, and is set to be my invitation season solution. Whilst everyone else rocks up in summer frocks, I will be busting out the blazer and shorts – what do you think? I’m also wearing my fail safe backpack from Fleming and adidas flatform sneakers, which have me feeling like a Spice Girl – in a good way.


Photograph by Victoria Stillwell.

  • Keeley

    OMG I love this suit! seriously in awe with your posts doll x As a Man myself I am beginning to think dressing as a woman isn’t the right thing and I should simply say i am dressing in mens clothing with a womans spin LOL
    Love this website xx

    May 8th, 2014 6:43
    • girlinmenswear

      Hi Keeley, Thanks for your comment and for reading Girl in Menswear. Great to hear that you are challenging the status quo and gender-bending dressing yourself – would love to see a picture! Sophia x

      May 9th, 2014 8:33
  • Little Lemon

    That is a sick look! Feel like I need to get my hands on a few of these summer suits. Reckon I can rock up to a UK interview in one?

    May 8th, 2014 13:05
    • girlinmenswear

      Thanks for your comment Lemon! You can definitely wear a shorts suit to an interview in the UK. Make sure you go for knee skimming lengths and neutral colours if it’s a more corporate environment. Pair your suit with a crisp shit and formal shoes to make sure you don’t look too casual. Sophia x

      May 9th, 2014 8:32

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