I really like Carin Wester. She is a champion of the androgynous aesthetic and always presents a clean look made up of interesting shapes and distinctive prints. Every Scandi in town owns one of this seasons fox-tail print dresses, and her SS14 collection of voluminous bomber jackets, wide lapelled suit jackets and boxy shirts will inevitably be worn with equal enthusiasm. This season though, Carin Wester has elevated herself above what Urban Outfitters and Weekday have been stocking of her range.For AW14 Carin Wester presented a show which was very ‘fashion’ – and very fierce too. Inspired by the 1940s silhouette, the midi-skirt was the collections signature piece, as were deep, womanly V necks, and belts that cinched in outerwear, granny-style cardigans and dresses at the waist. Fabrics were heavy and beautifully textured, teddy 1000 g. melton and alpaca were employed to give the sense of the garments being weighted down on the models shoulders.
Deep V necks were employed for the front and back of garments and featured on tops, dresses, jerseys and knits, with some Vs exposing the shoulders. Other than the extreme amount of chest (it would be generous to call it cleavage) on show, exposed skin was covered with knee high boots and white fish-net tights. These were complimented by bright red lipstick and slicked back hair – the models looked a bit like how I imagined Roald Dahl’s Grand High Witch to look, but it worked.
Bright belts, bag and gloves clashed with an otherwise muted palette of black, icey blue, beige and fudge. The prints had a distinctly DIY feeling to them with clashing shades haphazardly painted in rolled on lines in a nonchalant fashion. Although silhouettes were generous, this is a womanly collection with show-stopping pieces – namely the oversized shearling coat and printed dresses.
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